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Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction. How to Increase Female Sexual Arousal After 40?

Article by <em>Adult Health Care Center</em>Article by Adult Health Care Center

© Ines Obregon (2024-10-15)
Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction. How to Increase Female Sexual Arousal After 40? 

Female Sexual Health and Disorders in Aging Women

During decades, doctors were not concerned about female sexual health and reproductive system issues such as female sexual arousal disorders. However, in the past years, the number of confirmed cases of women suffering from these disorders has increased.

The reason behind this does not include changes in female sexual health, but more has to do with the fact that doctors and sexual health experts are more aware of the importance of female sexual dysfunctions.
Female sexual arousal disorders, often described as female sexual dysfunction, is now recognized as a serious health problem. It is estimated that more than two in five women after 40 suffer from this disorder.

Female sexual arousal disorders
Female sexual arousal disorders
The disorder is characterized by an inability to be sexually active with any partner, regardless of age, and is associated with a variety of symptoms and causes.

One of the most common symptoms of female sexual dysfunction is an inability to be sexually aroused. This often leads to a great variety of issues like low sex drive, vaginal dryness, female infertility, psychological problems, lack of self-confidence, etc.

What is Female Sexual Dysfunction?

Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) refers to a range of disorders that affect a woman's ability to experience sexual arousal, desire, or satisfaction. It encompasses various issues related to sexual interest, arousal, orgasm, and pain during intercourse. FSD can significantly impact a woman's overall quality of life, relationships, and emotional well-being.

Types of Female Sexual Dysfunction

  • Low Sexual Desire: This is characterized by a reduced or absent interest in sexual activity. It can stem from various factors, including hormonal changes, stress, anxiety, or relationship issues. Low sexual desire can lead to feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction for both partners.
  • Arousal Disorders: Arousal disorders involve difficulty becoming physically or mentally aroused during sexual activity. Women may experience insufficient lubrication, which can make sex uncomfortable or unpleasurable. This condition can be linked to hormonal imbalances, medications, or emotional factors.
  • Orgasm Disorders: Some women may have difficulty reaching orgasm, even when sexually aroused and engaged in stimulating activities. This can result from a range of issues, including psychological factors, medical conditions, or inadequate sexual stimulation.
  • Pain During Intercourse (Dyspareunia): Dyspareunia refers to pain experienced during sexual activity, which can be caused by various factors such as vaginal dryness, infections, or pelvic floor disorders. This pain can create anxiety and reluctance to engage in sexual activity, further contributing to sexual dysfunction.
Understanding female sexual dysfunction is essential for addressing the various factors that can impact a woman's sexual health.
Open communication with healthcare professionals and partners is crucial for identifying underlying causes and exploring treatment options. With appropriate support and strategies, many women can regain their sexual satisfaction and overall well-being.

Low Sex Drive in Adult Women

Problems with low sex drive, loss of elasticity and tightening, vaginal dryness, and decreased sexual sensation can have a lot of reasons from menopause or child birth to sinus medications.

Low sex drive can be a common side effect of menopause because at this time the body experiences serious hormonal changes. The lack of estrogen during pre-menopause and menopause has an especially negative effect on sex drive of a woman and significantly decreased the body's ability to produce lubrication. Vaginal dryness is very uncomfortable. It can cause pain and discomfort during sex making it far less enjoyable.
Unfortunately, you cannot escape menopause and the other things but you can avoid the uncomfortable symptoms they lead to. Benefits of natural treatment of female sexual dysfunction include remedying of all the symptoms listed above, so that you don't suffer during sex but enjoy it.

Low Sex Drive
Low Sex Drive
Moreover, you should do your best in order not to let some life events (childbirth, menopause and things like that) make your sex relationship worse. As you see, natural treatment of female sexual dysfunction is an effective way of instant and complete treatment of all your symptoms and these products are also safe and inexpensive.

What Are Signs of Low Female Arousal?

Low female arousal can manifest in various physical and emotional signs, affecting a woman's sexual experiences and overall quality of life. Recognizing these signs is essential for addressing concerns and seeking appropriate support.

Here are some common indicators of low female arousal:

  • Reduced Sexual Interest: A noticeable decrease in the desire to engage in sexual activities is often one of the first signs of low arousal. Women may find themselves less interested in initiating sex or may avoid sexual situations altogether.
  • Lack of Physical Response: Women experiencing low arousal may notice diminished physical reactions during sexual stimulation. This can include reduced lubrication, less sensitivity, or an absence of the natural physiological responses typically associated with arousal, such as increased heart rate or blood flow to the genital area.
  • Difficulty Becoming Aroused: Struggling to achieve or maintain arousal during intimate moments can indicate low sexual desire. Women might find it challenging to focus on sexual stimulation or become distracted, making it harder to enjoy sexual experiences.
  • Absence of Sexual Fantasies or Thoughts: A decline in sexual thoughts or fantasies can also signal low arousal. Women may find themselves not thinking about sex or feeling indifferent to sexual content, which can further contribute to a lack of desire.
  • Reduced Sensitivity to Touch: Women with low arousal may notice that they are less sensitive to touch or may require more stimulation to feel pleasure. This can affect how enjoyable sexual experiences are and may lead to frustration for both partners.
  • Emotional Distress: Feelings of frustration, sadness, or disappointment about sexual experiences can be signs of low arousal. Women may feel pressure to engage in sex but find themselves unable to enjoy it, leading to emotional challenges.
  • Relationship Strain: Low arousal can create tension between partners, as mismatched sexual desires may lead to misunderstandings or feelings of rejection. This strain can further complicate intimacy and connection within the relationship.
  • Physical Discomfort During Intimacy: While not solely a sign of low arousal, experiencing discomfort or pain during sex (dyspareunia) can be linked to insufficient arousal. This can create a cycle where fear of pain leads to avoidance of sexual activity, further diminishing desire.
Recognizing the signs of low female arousal is essential for addressing underlying issues and promoting healthy sexual experiences.
If a woman experiences these signs consistently, it may be beneficial to consult a healthcare professional or therapist. Open communication with partners can also foster understanding and create a supportive environment for exploring and enhancing sexual desire. With the right strategies and support, many women can work towards improving their arousal and overall sexual satisfaction.

Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction After 40

Many women experience a lack of sexual arousal. This can be problematic because if a woman can't reach her sexual peak she won't be able to have any pleasure during sex. If she is low in arousal, she will probably feel very low in sexual desire and satisfaction as well. There are several factors that can cause this state.

Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction
Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction
If you are experiencing any kind of sexual arousal disorder, you should first of all take a look at your life, your partner, and your sex life in general. What has happened to you lately that may have caused the lack of arousal?

A change in your mood, your partner, or your life situation may have caused this change. It's also important to take a look at your general health because if you have a chronic disease it could also have an influence.

You should also consider your thoughts, your sex life, and your current state of mind. Is the relationship you have now with your partner fulfilling enough to keep you aroused? If you don't find your partner attractive any longer, are you also not attracted to him anymore? Does this make you less sexually aroused? It might be worth discussing these issues with your partner.
Alternatively, you may experience female sexual dysfunction due to a medication you have used. This may also be the case if you are a heavy smoker, addicted to alcohol, you are tired, or stressed.

How to Increase Female Sexual Arousal After 40?

The next question is to find out how to increase female sexual arousal and find a proper treatment of female sexual dysfunction.

Increasing female arousal: lifestyle changes

If you have difficulty reaching female arousal, there are some basic things you can try. The first thing you should do is to check your sex life. Did you have sex recently? Are you in a committed relationship? Are you going through a hard time? It is possible that you feel very sexually unattractive and have therefore lost your desire for sex. The best advice to you is to talk about it and to look for help if you feel this way.

The next step would be to check your body. How do you feel in your vagina, your clitoris? Do you feel relaxed, do you notice any tension in your pelvic floor muscles? If you feel tired and tense or if you feel like you do not feel sexual arousal you can take care of yourself in several ways.
When feeling tired or stressed, do you have some rest? If you are in the middle of a work or a project, go home earlier so that you have more time to rest. Avoid caffeine for the first 2 hours after you wake up in the morning. This is when your brain is at its best. Take a relaxing bath and do some deep breathing exercises to feel relaxed.

Increasing female arousal: lifestyle changes
Increasing female arousal: lifestyle changes
In a situation where you feel tense and have no sexual arousal try to relax and try to think about the good things in your life. Make your mind relaxed and take a rest for a while. Go for a walk or to the beach and take some deep breaths in nature. Try to give yourself some time and space in which you can relax.

Try to keep calm.
Focus on the fact that you have to take care of yourself now and not stress out about the future. If you feel good, you will get better and your sex life will start to feel better as well. If you have to work, take some notes. After all, you want to work and live a good life. After all, that is what makes the difference.

Increasing female arousal: medications

If you are a woman who has a chronic disease like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, or some mental issues like anxiety or depression you are at higher risk of female sexual dysfunctions. You should try to talk about this with your doctor and see if there is something you can do about it. You can also get in touch with your general practitioner if you are experiencing a lack of sexual arousal.
There are some drugs that may cause sexual arousal disorders. Progesterone is one of these and it affects the body's response to sexual stimuli.
Your hormones will not only keep your sex life in a state of balance, but they also help to improve your mood. If you take hormone therapy for menopause it can increase your sexual arousal.

Increasing female arousal: medications
Increasing female arousal: medications
The next step would be to take a look at the medications and find a natural treatment of female sexual dysfunction. We all know that some medications can increase sexual arousal. If you are a woman and use medication for menopause you should take into account that it may increase sexual arousal and desire.

Treatment of Female Sexual Dysfunction After 40

No one will doubt that treatment of female sexual dysfunction really helps. The advantages are obvious. First of all, they give you an opportunity to feel what you have once had, as well as they lead your relationship to a new level, as your sexual experience will be more exciting as ever. However, it is necessary to understand first, why women turn to them.

There are many of sexual disorders, both psychological and physical, including pain during sexual intercourse, low female libido or sensations during sex, vaginal discomfort including strange odors, irritations and dryness.

We have listed just some of the issues that force ladies to treat female sexual dysfunction. However, they all may turn you off of love-making completely if not dealt with and impact your self-esteem and your romantic relationship with your lover. Pills can help you to cope with all these problems and even more.
What other options related to libido improvement do women have? They sometimes opt for surgery but it may not bring the improvement a woman is seeking, is painful and requires a long recovery time. Treatments of female sexual dysfunction are safe, and the improvements can be seen in no time.

In spite of the fact that surgery has become very popular because women want to restore their vaginas after multiple births or other reasons and improve their sex life, they are very cautious because surgery is not as safe as natural treatment and does not provide all the benefits possible with the pills.

How to Treat Low Female Arousal Naturally

Treating low female arousal naturally can be an effective way to enhance libido and sexual desire without relying on pharmaceuticals. Incorporating lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and natural supplements can help boost arousal and overall sexual health.

Certain herbs have been traditionally used to enhance female libido and arousal. Some popular options include:

  • Maca Root: Known for its energy-boosting properties, maca root has been linked to increased sexual desire and improved hormonal balance. It is often taken in powder form or as capsules.
  • Ginseng: Ginseng is believed to enhance overall energy levels and improve sexual function. Studies suggest that it may help increase libido and sexual satisfaction in women.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: This herb is often used to improve blood circulation, including to the genital area, which can enhance arousal and sensitivity. Ginkgo biloba may also help with anxiety, a common barrier to sexual desire.
  • Tribulus Terrestris: Traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, this herb may help boost sexual desire and arousal by enhancing hormonal balance and increasing blood flow.
  • Damiana: This herb has a long history of use as a natural aphrodisiac. Damiana may help improve sexual function and increase sexual desire, making it a popular choice for women seeking to enhance arousal.
Treating low female arousal naturally involves a combination of herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and improving emotional intimacy. By embracing a holistic approach, many women can enhance their libido and enjoy a more fulfilling sexual experience.

Best Female Sexual Enhancement Pills

Some herbal pills also firm and tighten up the vaginal area so it feels and looks much better, but additionally they increase blood circulation which lead to a rise in sexual satisfaction and induces your system's natural capability to create its own lubrication. Natural treatment of female sexual dysfunction includes antioxidants aimed at vaginal health improvement.

Female Sexual Enhancement Pills
Female Sexual Enhancement Pills
In addition to pills, there are also sexual enhancement creams that feature antifungal properties and are used as antibacterial remedy. This way you can forget about vaginal infections in case you have any. The unpleasant vaginal smell will also disappear.
All these advantages that natural treatment of female sexual dysfunction has should be totted up with all the emotional benefits which they also provide you with. In such a way you improve your sex and well-being.

Find the best treatment of female sexual dysfunction 

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